
Q. Does inclusion rely on 30% of viable segments across all segments?

A. At least 30% of all dysfunctional segments must be viable.


Q. Is ≥30% viability based on the territory of the vessel to undergo PCI or the whole heart?

A. The viability threshold is for the whole heart.For example, if a patient has 10 dysfunctional segments, at least 3 of those would need to be viable to be eligible for REVIVED. For more information, please see section 11 of the protocol or get in touch with the CTU.


Q. Can patients who have viability but also have ischaemia be included? If so and ischaemia is present, is there a cut off for the amount of ischaemia that is present?

A. Yes, patients with ischaemia can be included. You only need to demonstrate viability to get in the study but going on to look for ischaemia is encouraged where possible (i.e. going on to high dose dobutamine on stress echo or adenosine perfusion MRI). There is no recommended ischaemia cut off but the MDT can use the information if they wish.


Q. Can myocardial perfusion scans be used instead of DSE or MRI to assess viability?

A. No, not for this study.


Q. If a patient has already had a FDG-PET scan, would they also need to have a DSE to assess viability?

A. . The protocol does not currently include PET as a modality for assessing viability because it was thought that this is not as widely available in the UK but please document potential patients that have had PET scans on the screening log.


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