Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria

  1. Poor left ventricular function (EF≤35%)
  2. Extensive coronary disease
  3. Viability in at least 4 dysfunctional myocardial segments, that can be revascularised by PCI


Exclusion Criteria

  1. Myocardial infarction < 4 weeks prior to randomisation (clinical definition)
  2. Decompensated heart failure requiring inotropic support, invasive or non-invasive ventilation or IABP/left ventricular assist device (LVAD) therapy <72 hours prior to randomisation.
  3. Sustained VT/VF or appropriate ICD discharges <72 hours prior to randomisation
  4. Valve disease requiring intervention
  5. Contra-indications to PCI
  6. Age <18 years
  7. eGFR < 25 ml/min, unless established on dialysis
  8. Women who are pregnant
  9. Previously enrolled in REVIVED-BCIS2 or current enrolment in other study that may affect REVIVED-BCIS2 outcome data
  10. Life expectancy < 1 year due to non-cardiac pathology

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